At first glance, many people think this is a Masonic apron; it has the square and compasses, after all! But, upon closer inspection, you'll find the letters "O.U.A.M." which stand for the "Order of United American Mechanics."
The group was founded in Philadelphia in 1844 during a time of great strife with labor. The order thrived during the golden age of Fraternalism but died out by the mid-1900's - after multiple schisms and internal issues.
One of these splinter groups, the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, eventually became more prominent and is better known today.
Due to the use of the square and compasses, this group is often mistaken for being Masonic or somehow related to the fraternity.
It was not and was an entirely separate and independent organization (even if they coopted much of the trappings of Freemasonry.)