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Victoria Columbia Lodge No 1(British Columbia and Yukon Constitution)

Victoria Columbia Lodge No 1(British Columbia and Yukon Constitution)

160 years ago, this year, Victoria Lodge 1085 (English Constitution), the predecessor of Victoria Columbia Lodge No 1(British Columbia and Yukon Constitution) initiated the first Freemason in British Columbia. He was John Malinowski, a Russian Jewish news merchant.

Freemasonry in this jurisdiction, then as now, was and is open and without prejudice. If you believe or acknowledge the existence of a higher power ( we are not a religion or a substitute for your faith), want good and wholesome company of men of good report, Freemasonry may be for you. Don't let the conspiracy theories get in the way of you seeking the truth. The only secret in Freemasonry is that we want you to be a better man, husband, father, citizen and that we will never ask you, as you must come unsolicited and of your own accord.

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