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"Nothing offensive or defensive", In Arturo de Hoyos

O seu autor e maçon informa de que na sua Grande Loja dos Texas foi permitido que os seus membros levassem uma arma de fogo para a sua Loja e que detinham a autorização do seu Venerável Mestre. Segundo ele esta proibição refere-se ao “candidato” e não aos seus membros. Fundamentando que muitos dos nossos rituais permitem o uso das espadas. O original do texto está aqui presente e em inglês. O autor termina dando-nos nota que na Virgínia os membros dessa Grande Loja estão autorizados a transportar as armas. E acredita que um Irmão só a utilizaria em sua defesa.

"Nothing offensive or defensive", In Arturo de Hoyos

My Grand Lodge (Texas) voted to allow members to carry a firearm in lodge with permission of the Worshipful Master.

I've read a lot of comments about this, with some people saying that it's against the traditions of Masonry to allow weapons into a lodge room.

Actually, this prohibition refers to the *candidate*, not to the members. There are many Masonic rites in which the members still carry swords as a part of the ritual.

Yes, I know, swords are not pistols

(although there is some evidence that in former day pistols were used during some ceremonies, which I think is *crazy*). Some people are concerned any member cannot be trusted to carry a firearm in a lodge. However that may be, I don't believe that Grand Lodge laws (or any laws, for that matter) will stop a person who wants to break the law.

In Virginia, where I now reside, members with a concealed weapons permit (and law enforcement) are allowed to carry in lodge. I've sat in several lodges where some members do so, and I have never felt threatened or uneasy, because I trust that these Brethren would only use firearms in defense.

Your mileage may vary.

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